
Over 1,000 pages read in 24-hours! (Readathon pt. 2 Wrap-Up)

As I announced on Friday, it’s time for the second installment of my 24-hour readathon! Like last time, my husband and sister will also be joining in on this challenge. If you missed my TBR, you can check it out here. Let’s go!

2:24 am

Readathon is in full swing! As planned, I started reading You by Caroline Kepnes and am on page 106. This book is going a bit slower than I had hoped, but I am enjoying it so far. The stalker/narrator is… pretty messed up, we shall say. Anyways, just stopped for a quick snack break (carrots and hummus, cuz healthy) and my first cup of coffee of the day!


5:39 am

I have been switching back and forth between the physical book and the audio book, and let me say, I am SO GLAD that I have both this time around for the readathon. I did some dishes, made some bread, and am now on page 268 of You. In order to stay on track for my goal, I need to finish this book by 9, so I think I am doing ok for now!


8:47 am

First book of readathon is complete! I thought You by Caroline Kepnes was ok… probably a 3 or 3.5/5 stars for me. The perspective was interesting, but I found the story to be pretty predictable. It was also a very sexual book which I was not anticipating. What I found most interesting was that since the entire story is told from the stalker’s perspective, you have no idea what the object of his obsession is actually thinking about what is going on- you only know the stalker’s interpretation of her actions. It gave a unique feel to the book. I am debating on whether or not I will be continuing with the sequel. But! That can be decided later- onto book 2!

I’m not going to lie, I am struggling a bit. Hoping that a change of scenery (book-wise) will wake me up a bit. So far I am still on track, but You took me longer to read than it probably should have.


11:34 am

I am feeling much less tired after another cup of coffee, and we are heading out to the mall to check out Barnes and Noble cuz we have coupons!! I ended up starting A Girl Like That and am on page 103. I really like it so far, although it’s a little different than what I was expecting. I did purchase the audiobook with one of my Audible credits as this was the only book not available through my library so I am still able to switch between the audio and print. I am hoping to finish this book before 4 pm in order to stay on track to finish all four books!


2:08 pm

Over halfway done with the readathon! I am running a little bit behind. I am currently on page 199 of a girl like that. I am going to try to do a nice long sprint and finish it up by 4… but I have a feeling I might not finish all my books today.



I just finished A Girl Last Seen. I *think* I am going to rate it 4/5, but I will almost certainly be rereading this book again soon. The story takes place in Saudi Arabia, and the description of the treatment of women was pretty appalling. I feel like there is a lot of the story that I missed because I was trying to read pretty quickly. Triggers for abuse, rape, and attempted rape. This was a pretty powerful read, and although I’m not sure it necessarily fit the “all the feels” theme, this is probably my favorite book ShelfLove Reads has included so far.

I am officially behind schedule, by about 45 minutes. I am just going to get through as much as I can before midnight!


8:15 pm

So we just got back from dinner, and I am on page 120 of Down Among the Sticks and Bones. I know that I will not be able to Girl Last Seen before midnight, so my new plan is once I finish Down Among the Sticks and Bones, I will read some more of one of my current reads.

P.S. I am LOVING Down Among the Sticks and Bones.


9:25 pm

I have just finished Down Among the Sticks and Bones, and I loved it just as much as the first. 5/5 stars. Seanan McGuire, please never stop writing this series. ❤️❤️❤️


10:41 pm

I’m fading fast guys. As of now, I have read about 30 pages of one of the books I was reading before the readathon, Dear Fahrenheit 451, and I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to be able to making it.


Final page count: 1030



I should probably start calling these 23-hour readathons instead of 24, because once again, I only made it until a little after 11 pm. I found myself rereading the same sentence over, and over, and over, and I was so tired I decided to call it quits. If anyone has any tips for powering through that last hour, let me know!

Overall, I am happy with my readathon went, even though I did not complete my TBR. I got through three books that I had really been looking forward to reading, and I read over 1,000 pages which is the marker I am always hoping to hit.

In addition to reading over 1,000 pages, I got some household chores done, baked some homemade bread, bought a new book from Barnes & Noble, made a skirt for my sister, and went out to dinner!

March has been a slower reading month for me, but this readathon got me super excited about the books I have on my shelves.

What did you guys read this weekend?

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